Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach

Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach: Empowering Mothers for a Brighter Future


Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach: Empowering Mothers for a Brighter Future

Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach (APO) is a non-profit organization based in College Station, Texas, that provides support and resources to pregnant women and mothers in need.

Since opening its doors in 2009, APO has helped over 5,000 women facing unplanned or crisis pregnancies by providing free services such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, parenting classes, material assistance, and more.

The organization’s mission is to empower women to make life-affirming choices during pregnancy and early parenting by surrounding them with support, meeting tangible needs, promoting healthy relationships, and inspiring hope. As their motto states: “You are not alone. We can help.”

APO aims to create an environment where women feel safe, respected, cared for, and equipped with the tools they need to have healthy pregnancies and become confident mothers.

They believe that empowering mothers is essential for creating brighter futures for both women and children.

Offering Compassionate Care

One of the hallmarks of APO is the compassionate care and judgment-free support they offer women facing crisis pregnancies. “We want this place to feel like home, where they know they are welcomed with open arms,” says Jenny Davidson, Client Service Director.

When women first come to APO for help, they meet with a patient advocate for an intake assessment to discuss their situation, needs, and options.

Then, women can take advantage of free services like pregnancy testing, ultrasounds to date the pregnancy and check on the health of the baby, STI testing, and ongoing peer counseling.

“We listen without judgement, we educate without an agenda, and we support her vision for her future,” says Mary Collins, Executive Director.

This non-directive empowerment model creates an open atmosphere where women can make the best choices for themselves and their circumstances.

In 2020, APO served over 1,400 women with free pregnancy-related medical services alone. In addition, their licensed counselors and advocates provided over 1,900 hours of free counseling and support groups.

Providing Material Assistance

In addition to emotional support and pregnancy-related care, APO also provides vital material assistance to mothers in need.

Their large material needs closet is stocked with essentials like diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets, strollers, car seats, formula, and more, which clients can “shop” for free based on availability.

Last year, APO distributed over $600,000 worth of direct client aid through their material needs closet, crib distribution program, and other assistance funds.

“The look on a mom’s face when she can provide for her children, it’s just beautiful,” says Michelle Martin, Donor Relations Director. “It’s about dignity and respect.” The staff takes great pride in being able to meet tangible needs that make a difference in these mother’s lives.

Empowering Through Education

One of the key ways APO empowers pregnant women and mothers is through education. They offer a wide range of parenting, childbirth, life skills, and personal development classes completely free of charge.

Course offerings range from pregnancy health and newborn care to budgeting techniques, healthy relationships, Bible study, cooking skills, career planning, and more.

In 2021, over 300 women took advantage of these educational opportunities by attending parenting classes at APO. For mothers struggling to make ends meet, they can also earn “mommy money” to shop for material needs by completing parenting education courses.

“We want to set them up for success, so education is a big part of that,” says Laura Marshall, Parenting Director. Peer counselors and social workers run the classes using evidence-based curricula in an open, stigma-free environment.

APO also offers academic scholarships to help teen mothers graduate high school or pursue college degrees.

By focusing on development and knowledge, these programs aim to shift generational poverty cycles and empower mothers to reach their full potential. (Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach)

The Impact: Creating Brighter Futures

The holistic care and resources that APO offers to struggling mothers have a tremendous impact on their lives and create brighter futures across generations. Here are some examples:

Sara was 23 years old when she came to APO unexpectedly pregnant and sleeping in her car. By accepting support, she found housing assistance and devoted mentors, took parenting classes, and gained tools to manage her anxiety.

Today, Sara has an apartment, car, and job and confidently raises a now toddler son while taking college classes.

Crystal became pregnant at 17 and was scared, confused, and considering abortion due to pressure from her family. At APO, she connected to a peer counselor who provided a listening ear and advice during this difficult time.

With newfound confidence and support, Crystal chose life and is now raising a baby girl while finishing high school.

Jessica grew up in the foster care system and was determined to raise her baby differently after becoming a young single mom.

By regularly attending APO parenting classes and support groups and working with a social worker, Jessica broke the cycle of neglect. Now, she is moving into management at her job, and her daughter is thriving in school.

Without the free and empowering services from Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach, these women’s futures could have taken very different turns.

Instead, they gained tools to tackle challenges, graduated school, kept jobs, secured safe housing, and made life-affirming choices for their children and themselves.

The positive impact continues as a new generation is raised with more resources and care to build brighter futures from. And APO remains dedicated to transforming lives for thousands of more women and babies to come. (Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach)

Funding the Mission

As a donor-funded organization, APO relies on the generosity of private donors, churches, businesses, and foundations in order to serve women free of charge. Their life-affirming mission resonates strongly with many pro-life advocates as well as social service supporters.

The annual fundraising gala and dinner is a key source for operational funding, in addition to general donations, monthly giving partners, grants, and material item drives.

APO encourages volunteer groups and churches to “adopt” a mother in need through their comprehensive adoption program. Funds raised ensure vital programs and services can continue.

Despite economic challenges with the pandemic, APO has seen an outpouring of support through 2020 and 2021. This community commitment speaks volumes about how valued their work and mission are.

Heartfelt notes from clients lift the staff every day. “Thank you for being the village I needed to raise this baby,” is a common sentiment expressed.

Executive Director Mary Collins summarizes, “We are privileged to walk with strong, courageous women during their most vulnerable seasons of life.

Together, we get to witness transformation.” Thanks to faithful friends and advocates, APO has been empowering women since 2009 – and the future remains bright. (Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach)

Get Involved

To play a part in the life-affirming mission of Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach and transforming futures for mothers and babies, here is how you can get involved:

  • Make a financial donation to support free services for women
  • Donate essential material items like diapers, wipes, and baby gear to assist mothers and children directly
  • Ask your church, business, or group to hold a drive for funds or material needs
  • Volunteer your time to help sort donations, assist clients, facilitate classes
  • Follow APO on social media and share their mission with others
  • Sponsor or attend the annual fundraising banquet
  • Adopt a mother/family through the comprehensive adoption program

When we empower mothers, we empower brighter futures across generations. Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach invites the community to unite and uplift lives, one woman and child at a time.

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