Does Laser Hair Removal Come Back After Pregnancy

Does Laser Hair Removal Come Back After Pregnancy


Does Laser Hair Removal Come Back After Pregnancy

Laser Hair Removal- For many women, pregnancy brings joy along with some unwanted changes to their bodies. One such change that some pregnant women experience is increased hair growth in areas like the face, arms, legs, and bikini line. This excess hair growth is often due to shifts in hormone levels during and after pregnancy.

While many women choose methods like shaving, waxing, or plucking to remove this excess hair, these are only temporary solutions. Laser hair removal offers a more permanent way to get rid of unwanted hair by damaging the hair follicle so hair cannot regenerate.

However, some women find that after having laser hair treatments, the hair grows back again after they become pregnant or give birth. This leads many to ask – does laser hair removal come back after pregnancy?

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal uses concentrated beams of light to target the melanin or pigment in hair follicles. The light gets absorbed by the melanin, which generates heat and damages the hair follicle. This damage stops future hair growth.

Laser hair removal devices have cooling systems to protect the top layers of skin from heat damage. The treatments work best on hair with a lot of melanin, which includes dark hair. Light-colored fine hair is harder to treat.

Multiple treatments 4-6 weeks apart are needed to damage all the hair follicles during the growth cycle. Most people need 4-6 sessions for up to 90% permanent hair reduction. More treatments may be needed for hormonal hair. (Laser Hair Removal)

Why Hair Can Return After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, most women have higher levels of estrogen and other hormones like progesterone. These hormones can kick dormant hair follicles into action, resulting in faster hair regrowth all over the body.

In addition, estrogen increases melanin production. Any hair that regrows due to hormonal shifts of pregnancy may be thicker and darker. This new darker and thicker hair is easier for lasers to target.

Post-pregnancy, hormone levels start to balance and return to pre-pregnancy states. As this fluctuation occurs, dormant hair follicles again receive signals to start regrowing hair.

The increase in these hormonal shifts is the reason some women start to see hair regrowth 6-12 months after giving birth, even in areas that were previously treated with laser hair removal.

So, in summary, the hormonal changes of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding play a significant role in kickstarting dormant hair follicles, which can lead to hair regrowth after laser hair removal. The results are usually temporary, but it can be frustrating if you thought the hair was gone for good. (Laser Hair Removal)

Can Anything Be Done to Prevent Regrowth?

If you have already invested time and money into permanent laser hair removal, the last thing you want is to undo that progress with a pregnancy. Is there anything you can do before or after pregnancy to prevent the hair from returning?

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent postpartum hair regrowth. However, there are a few things you can try:

Continue maintenance sessions during pregnancy if possible. By treating any new hair growth, you can help prevent follicles from becoming deeper and harder to kill off later. Always check with your doctor first about the safety of laser hair removal during pregnancy.

Wait at least six months after giving birth to resume laser hair removal sessions. This gives your hormone levels adequate time to return closer to pre-pregnancy states. The results will be better when your hair growth patterns stabilize.

Use a prescription cream like eflornithine hydrochloride to slow facial hair growth. These creams can help control hair regrowth between sessions if you experience excess growth during pregnancy or postpartum. Ask your doctor about options.

Invest in 6 laser hair removal sessions postpartum instead of just 4. Paying for additional treatments allows you to be aggressive as soon as regrowth starts, giving you better overall results.

If regrowth occurs and finances allow, get yearly touch-up sessions. This helps catch and treat hair follicles before they have time to become deep-rooted again. Maintenance sessions can keep problem areas smooth for years. (Laser Hair Removal)

The Takeaway

It’s frustrating but normal for hair growth to return within 12 months after pregnancy, even if you had laser hair removal. This occurs because fluctuations in hormones like estrogen kick dormant follicles back into action.

While you cannot prevent this regrowth entirely, you can take steps like continuing maintenance sessions during pregnancy and getting extra treatments postpartum. There also are prescription creams that can slow hair growth while you are pregnant or nursing.

Be patient with the process and your body. With continued laser hair removal sessions spaced properly around your pregnancy, you can still achieve up to 90 percent permanent hair reduction over time. (Laser Hair Removal)

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