Natural Cycles Pregnancy

Natural Cycles Pregnancy


Natural Cycles Pregnancy

Natural Cycles Pregnancy – Natural Cycles is a fertility awareness-based method (FAM) that uses an algorithm to identify the days when a woman is likely to be fertile or not based on her menstrual cycle data.

It involves using temperature readings and menstrual cycle information to determine fertility status each day – either “red” or fertile days when there is risk of pregnancy or “green” infertile days when there is very low risk.

The Natural Cycles algorithm interprets the temperature data and other parameters to decide if sperm is likely to survive that day or not, to allocate a red or a green day.

On red days, the user is advised to abstain or use protection if wishing to avoid pregnancy. On green days, the risk of pregnancy is very low.

Over 13 cycles’ worth of data, Natural Cycles has a typical use effectiveness of 93% with consistent correct use. However, even with consistent, correct use, no birth control method is 100% effective, and pregnancies can still happen.

Using Natural Cycles for Pregnancy Planning

Many couples use Natural Cycles’ fertility awareness features specifically for planning a pregnancy. Understanding when you ovulate each cycle is useful when timing intercourse for conception.

Natural Cycles detect the fertile window by identifying a sustained rise in temperatures after ovulation due to progesterone production. Ovulation happens around 12-48 hours before temperatures rise, meaning the last red day before a sustained temperature rise marks the day of ovulation quite accurately.

Natural Cycles identifies six red days on average per cycle – these are the days with the highest pregnancy probability. Having well-timed intercourse on red days, particularly those days leading up to and on the predicted ovulation/peak day, gives the highest chances to conceive each cycle. There is only around a 12-48 hour fertile window per cycle when pregnancy is possible.

Once ovulation is detected following the sustained temperature rise, the app provides insights into when to take a pregnancy test based on when implantation could occur.

If pregnant, temperatures stay elevated past the time of expected menstruation. If not pregnant, temperatures will drop, and menstruation follows. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)

Tips for Getting Pregnant with Natural Cycles:

  • Input data accurately each morning right away upon waking
  • Have more intercourse on red days approaching ovulation
  • Note dates and symptoms of period, ovulation, sex
  • Enable notifications for fertile days
  • Use ovulation/LH tests to detect peak fertility days
  • Record pregnancy test dates/results
  • Connect with in-app medical experts if needed

What Impacts Effectiveness for Pregnancy?

As a fertility awareness method, the effectiveness of Natural Cycles for becoming pregnant depends on consistent, correct use, just as it does for preventing pregnancy. Key factors that influence outcomes include:

  • Age – Female fertility declines with age, particularly after 35 years old
  • Menstrual regularity – Irregular cycles make ovulation timing less precise
  • Consistency – Missing temperature data reduces the accuracy of fertility status
  • Timing of intercourse – Must have well-timed sex in the fertile window to conceive
  • Preexisting conditions – Conditions like PCOS may affect ovulation
  • Previous contraception: Coming off hormonal birth control can impact cycles.
  • User errors: Entering temperatures or details incorrectly lowers the effectiveness.
  • Frequency of intercourse: More chances in the fertile window increase the probability.

Even when used perfectly, not all couples will conceive in a given cycle while using Natural Cycles or any other method. On average, with well-timed intercourse, there is around a 20-30% chance of pregnancy each cycle. It can take healthy couples up to a year to get pregnant, depending on age and frequency of intercourse.

If you do not become pregnant after several cycles of focused efforts, it may be a sign to get evaluated for potential fertility issues.

Natural Cycles connects users to OB-GYN experts for further fertility assessment and treatments if needed after six months to a year of unsuccessful pregnancy attempts. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)

Dealing with Cycle Variations when Trying to Conceive

A woman’s menstrual cycles can vary month to month in length, period start dates, and timing of ovulation. Natural Cycles’ algorithm adjusts its fertility predictions accordingly based on the actual temperature measurements each cycle.

This accounts for the hormonal differences in a woman’s body from one cycle to the next when attempting to identify ovulation and fertile days.

That said, large variations can reduce precision:

Irregular Cycles: With very irregular cycles, the exact ovulation day is harder to predict as it varies more each month. However, the app will still identify the fertile window whenever ovulation happens. More intercourse across red days hedges timing.

Coming Off Hormonal Birth Control: Going off the hormonal pill or IUD impacts cycle regularity and ovulation at first. It can take 3-12 months for cycles to balance out.

More inconsistencies at the start of using Natural Cycles lowers effectiveness ratings until cycles stabilize. Know it may take longer to conceive during this transition stage after stopping hormonal contraception. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)

Breastfeeding: Lactation suppresses ovulation, impacting cycle lengths and fertility during the postpartum period. Natural Cycles requires at least three cycles logged before the breastfeeding setting can be turned off.

Until then, red days indicating potential fertility are still shown, but the algorithm accuracy is lowered due to highly irregular cycles.

Perimenopause: As women near menopause, cycle irregularities increase again, along with potential ovulation issues impacting fertility. Natural Cycles can still help the timing of intercourse, but the overall probability of conception declines.

In all cases of irregular cycles, the app identifies every day where there is any reasonable probability of being fertile. More intercourse across red days increases the odds of well-timed conception.

But irregularities themselves lower probabilities. Using ovulation predictor kits as well can help confirm ovulation. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)

Maximizing Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

To maximize your chances of conceiving using Natural Cycles:

Chart your cycles accurately: Input your temperature and period data correctly each morning right after taking your temperature. Missing days of data impact analysis.

Have well-timed intercourse: Make sure to have intercourse on red days approaching predicted ovulation, including two days before ovulation through 1 day after. This is the fertile window when conception chances are highest.

Note your symptoms: Logging cervical mucus quality and menstruation details within the app helps improve predictions.

Use LH tests: Ovulation predictor kits on peak red days confirm when the LH surge happens, signaling impending ovulation.

Try for 6-12 cycles: It takes healthy couples up to a year to conceive. See your doctor if you are not pregnant after six months to a year of focused Natural Cycles efforts.

Leverage data insights: Review your ovulation/period details and connect with OB-GYN experts in the app to understand reproductive health and optimize pregnancy attempts. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)

How Natural Cycles Help Once Pregnant

If pregnant, Natural Cycles provides helpful features to track your progress, including:

  • Ovulation and conception date estimates
  • Implantation day predictions
  • Expected pregnancy test days
  • Due date projection
  • Weekly pregnancy development updates
  • Kick counter and contraction timers
  • Weight gain tracker
  • Pregnancy journaling and milestone logging
  • Direct messaging with OB-GYN experts

The red and green system is disabled during pregnancy since conception has occurred. However, the app still offers a host of helpful tracking options for expecting mothers, leveraging the data already collected on their cycles, ovulation, and predicted conception details. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)

Natural Cycles Algorithms Balance Effectiveness and Flexibility

Natural Cycles uses proprietary algorithms to analyze basal body temperature data and menstrual cycle details. The fertility status analysis aims to balance the following:

  • Accuracy of fertile window detection before and after ovulation. This maximizes the chances of conception with well-timed intercourse.
  • Flexibility allows intercourse on some green days approaching high fertility phases. Absolute abstinence severely restricts the chances of conception.
  • Precaution during potentially fertile phases to prevent unwanted pregnancy based on estimated sperm survival rates when users wish to prevent pregnancy.

There are always tradeoffs involved – 100% precision is impossible with biological variability. Overall, Natural Cycles’ algorithms optimize for both effective family planning and pregnancy probability when desired, leveraging advanced statistical models. (Natural Cycles Pregnancy)


Natural Cycles employs an intelligent algorithm enabling couples to understand their fertility cycles, identify optimal conception timing, and maximize the probabilities of becoming pregnant. While not 100% effective, it markedly improves the chances of conception each cycle.

When combined with accurate charting, well-timed intercourse, leveraging LH test data, and consistency over several cycles before seeking medical guidance if needed, Natural Cycles can facilitate getting pregnant for many couples through its innovative fertility tracking system.

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