27 Things To Avoid During Pregnancy

27 Things To Avoid During Pregnancy

27 Things To Avoid During Pregnancy

1) Do not lift heavyweights, such as buckets filled with water, seal-bag, heavy chair, box, etc.

2) Do not stand for long. If you have to stand in the kitchen for a long time, then keep a chair there.

 3) Use the stairs to a minimum. If you do not live on the ground floor and you have to go down under compulsion, and then try to do all your work in one go. For this, it would be appropriate to make a list. Take the stairs, hold the railing.

4) Do not wear shoes or slippers with heels. Always wear flat shoes, if you go to the office, use flat shoes only.

5) Do not eat outdoor food, especially junk foods, such as pizza, burgers, etc. Do not eat in hotels, weddings, etc. They do not guarantee purity and can cause infection.

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6) Do not eat fried and spicy; they may cause gas, acidity, irritation.

7) Do not consume drugs (medicines) during pregnancy without consulting your gynecologist. Do not claim yourself even for minor diseases.

8) Travel less during pregnancy. Avoid two-wheelers. If you have to go to the office from public transport under compulsion, then catch the bus in odd-timings, when the crowd is least.

 9) Do not watch stressful or scary serials or movies during pregnancy.

10) Do not do any work in which you have to face extreme stress.

11) Don’t wear tight clothes during this time. (Things To Avoid During Pregnancy)

12) It has been found in some researches and studies that excessive use of the mobile phone during pregnancy can be harmful to the child.

13) Don’t be alone. If you are alone, always recharge your mobile and always in touch with your near and dear ones in phone.

14) Do not take a bath while standing in the bathroom, and confirm that there is no danger of slipping.

15) Do not smoke during pregnancy, and do not let anyone else smoke near you. Passive smoking can also threaten the child.

16) Avoid caffeine intake, so avoid Coffee, Soda, Green and Black Tea, Cold Drinks. Chocolate also contains caffeine, but in small quantities, so you can take chocolate occasionally.

17) In some fish such as tuna fish, king mackerel, tilefish, etc., mercury is in very high quantity, do not eat them. Consumption of these can affect the brain development of the infant.

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18) Do not consume these things in the first three months: soft, unpasteurized cheeses, raw eggs, salad dressings, raw fish, processed meats such as sausages, and also meat spreads. These things contain some bacteria that can cause disorders such as salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and listeriosis, which can cause congenital defects in the child.

19) Avoid the feces of your pets. They may have a harmful parasitesc called Toxoplasma gondii, which can damage the brain of the fetus.

20) Do not go for the first three months amid the strong smell; this will reduce your chances of nausea, and vomiting.

21) Do not jump. Do not carry out any activity which is prone to fall.

22) Do not exercise without medical advice. (Things To Avoid During Pregnancy)

23) Do not eat less. Eat more than you usually eat. Usually, a baby needs 300 calories, so take at least that many calories. Also, keep in mind that you are not consuming more than you need.

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24) Do not take a bath in a bathtub filled with hot water, especially in the first months. This increases the temperature inside the body, which is like a child having a fever. By doing this, the child can be born with congenital disabilities.

25) Do not thirst. Drink water from time to time. This will keep blood circulation correct. There is a high risk of premature delivery when dehydrated.

26) Do not sleep on your stomach.

27) Stay away from X-Ray during pregnancy.

Friends, avoid the above-written 27 Things During Pregnancy.


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