Bleeding During Pregnancy

Bleeding During Pregnancy


Bleeding During Pregnancy

About 20 to 30 per cent of pregnant women has vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. This problem is common in the first trimester, but in some cases, miscarriage can also result in bleeding during pregnancy.

Bleeding in pregnancy causes many women to become very worried about whether the baby is okay in the womb. In this article related to bleeding during pregnancy, we are giving you some vital information related to pregnancy bleeding.

  1. Why does bleeding happen during pregnancy?

Mild bleeding from the vagina is called bleeding and spotting of blood vessels. During this time, the blood colour can be red to brown. Bleeding occurs when the fetus is implanted in the uterine wall at the beginning of pregnancy and is normal, but premature delivery may be due to bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Often pregnant women suffer from bleeding or spotting in the first, second and third months of pregnancy. Bleeding or spotting in pregnancy can be caused by many reasons, which are discussed below:

Spotting During Pregnancy


At the beginning of pregnancy, when the fetus attaches to the uterine wall, women have spotting or bleeding for 6 to 12 days. Many women ignore it because they consider it to be a period.


Abortion can be due to physical injury, urethra or uterine infection, etc., in which bleeding can happen in pregnancy.

Vaginal infection:

Bleeding can happen in pregnancy due to vaginal infection of pregnant women.

Ectopic pregnancy:

In an ectopic pregnancy, the baby is outside the uterus in the fallopian tube, which can break the fallopian tube and cause more bleeding to the pregnant. It may occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Molar pregnancy:

If there is a molar pregnancy, pregnant women may see an abnormal tissue in place of the baby during the ultrasound. It is not fatal, but in many severe cases, it can become a cause of cancer. Bleeding can occur due to molar pregnancy.

Having sex:

Sometimes having sex in pregnancy can also cause vaginal bleeding.

Uterine rupture:

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus ruptures the baby towards the stomach, which is a very complicated problem. Bleeding can occur due to rupture of the uterus.

Breast-breaking of the umbilical cord:

In the third trimester of pregnancy, bleeding from the placenta causes excessive bleeding. However, this happens to anyone of about 200 women. This condition can occur when there is more than one baby in the womb.

Hormonal changes:

Changes in hormones that control periods can also result in bleeding during pregnancy. Bleeding from hormonal changes occurs at the same time as your period’s date.

Premature delivery – If bleeding occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, it may be the cause of premature delivery.

  1. What to do if there is bleeding in pregnancy?

You should contact a doctor immediately to find out the reason for bleeding in pregnancy. Apart from this, if your blood pressure (BP) is high, please consult a doctor to reduce it.

  1. What is the effect on bleeding in pregnancy?

Due to bleeding in pregnancy, there are many effects on the body of women, some of which are written below –

  • Feeling more tired.
  • More thirsty.
  • Anaemia.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • To faint.
  • Severe abdominal pain.
  1. What is the diagnosis of bleeding in pregnancy?

When bleeding occurs during pregnancy, doctors recommend an ultrasound, so that they can find out if it is happening due to ectopic pregnancy. Apart from this, doctors also ask for blood and urine tests; it is used to detect infection.

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  1. What is the treatment of bleeding in pregnancy?

After finding out the causes of bleeding in pregnancy, the doctor can treat you on the following basis:

If there is bleeding due to miscarriage, the doctor advises you to take rest. Apart from this, the doctor forbids you to have sex for three weeks.

If an ectopic pregnancy is the reason of bleeding in ultrasound, doctors recommend surgery.

If there is bleeding in the last days of pregnancy, and how much blood flows, it depends on you and your baby’s health.

And, if there is bleeding due to rupture of the uterus or umbilical cord, then the doctor performs a Caesarean delivery. During this time the uterus is removed, but if you want to have more children, the surgeon can fix it.

  1. What are the home remedies to prevent bleeding in pregnancy?

If pregnant women are bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, they can adopt the following measures –

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Avoid heavy lifting.
  • Do not have sex.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Use pads.

Pay attention:

Light spotting is common in the first-trimester of pregnancy, but if bleeding is high, go to the doctor immediately. If bleeding occurs during the last days of pregnancy, you should go to the doctor quickly, as there is no home remedy.

Pregnancy Myths And Facts

  1. Is bleeding in pregnancy harmful for a pregnant woman?

Due to excessive bleeding during pregnancy, the woman may have the following problems.

If bleeding is caused by molar pregnancy, then it increases the chances of the pregnant woman getting cancer.

If bleeding is due to the breakdown, then it can lead to the death of a pregnant woman.

  1. Is bleeding in pregnancy harmful to the baby?

Due to excessive bleeding in pregnancy, the baby may suffer in the following situations –

If there is excess bleeding, it can cause miscarriage, in which the baby dies.

If there is bleeding due to rupture of the umbilical cord, then it can result in the death of the infant. However, this happens to anyone of 500 babies.

For their convenience, pregnant women should always keep pads with them, so that they do not have any problem in case of bleeding. You should not panic in case of bleeding during pregnancy, instead, follow the measures mentioned above and contact the doctor.

Bleeding can be reasonable at the onset of pregnancy, but if bleeding occurs in the third trimester, one should immediately go to the hospital, as it may also be due to premature delivery or some other serious problem.

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Bleeding in Pregnancy

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