10 Pregnancy Myths And Facts

10 Pregnancy Myths And Facts


10 Pregnancy Myths And Facts

Pregnancy Myths – During pregnancy, you are given many types of advice that you should not do this. Wherever you go home, everyone advises you according to their knowledge.

Quick Tips

  • Morning sickness is very common in the first semester of pregnancy.
  • Women are not harmed by phone and computer
  • One should not drink more than three cups of coffee in pregnancy

During pregnancy, you are given many types of advice that do not do it, do not do it. From eating to sitting till you get up, you are advised everywhere. Wherever you go only at home, everyone advises you according to their knowledge. In these things, some things are true and others lie.

That is why it is important to recognize the truth and avoid misunderstanding. Today we are going to share 10 pregnancy myths and facts which will help you in the time of pregnancy.

What to Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Myths 1:

Your belly, that is, the shape and size of the stomach, it can be inferred that the child is a boy or a girl. It is believed that if the baby bump is tilted downwards, it will be a boy, and if it is upward, it means that the girl is going to be.

Truth: The shape of your baby bump during pregnancy depends on the actual size of your abdomen, abdominal fat, the strength of your abdominal muscles and the baby’s position inside the uterus.

If the first child is there, then the bump will be small and if you are becoming a mother for the second time, then the bump size will be much larger than the first time.

Pregnancy Myths 2:

During pregnancy, the face glow also tells about the baby’s gender. If there is a glow on the face, it means that the girl is going to be there and if there is no glow then it will be a boy.

Truth: Pregnant women face starts to glow with other trimesters. This is because, in the second trimester, the morning sickness almost ends.

Not only this, the mother starts eating and drinking much better than before, blood circulation gets better and health gets better. This is the reason why the face also starts to glow. The glow of face and gender of a baby have nothing to do with each other.

Pregnancy Myths 3:

If there is a burning sensation in the chest, it means that there will be a lot of hair of the children.

Truth: During pregnancy, most women suffer from heartburn. During this time, stomach food and acid start coming towards the food pipe which irritates.

Pregnancy Myths 4:

Having sex during pregnancy causes labor pain.

Truth: Having sex during pregnancy is completely safe unless the doctor has refused. If there is no problem then most of the women can do sex till the last month of pregnancy. Labor pains do not arise by having sex.

Pregnancy Myths 5:

Morning sickness means that the child is not getting proper nutrition.

Truth: Morning sickness is very common in the first semester of pregnancy. Even if you are suffering from morning sickness every day, children are completely safe.

After being pregnant and you are not losing weight fast or you do not have any complaints of dehydration, then it means that everything is fine. Yes, if morning sickness is too much, then doctor’s advice should be taken immediately.

Exercising During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Myths 6:

Children will be hurt by having sex.

Truth: The child did not get hurt due to sex during pregnancy. Actually, from the abdomen wall to the amniotic sac, it gives protection to the unborn baby.

Not only this, Cervix means that the pregnancy does not allow any type of infection to reach the cervix.

However, there are some medical reasons why sex during pregnancy is prohibited, such as if the vagina is causing blindness or the labor pens have started, the water bag has exploded, the placenta is down, or the STDs have been infected. Be at risk

Pregnancy Myths 7:

Exercise hurts baby

Truth: If a woman has never exercised, then she must also exercise during pregnancy. Yes, one should not try too hard. Exercise in pregnancy does not mean stress but relapse.

Depression During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Myths 8:

One should not travel by air during pregnancy

Truth: If you have at least six weeks left in your delivery date, then there is nothing wrong/ harm in traveling through the occasional play.

Pregnancy Myths 9:

Pregnant women should not use cell phones and computers

Truth: There is no harm to pregnant women by using cell phones and computers. There is no such study to prove that the radiation of the phone and computer affects the health of mother and child.

Yes, sitting with your eyes in front of a laptop or computer for hours will increase the stress along with the back pen, which is not a good thing. You should be cool and work in the office during pregnancy. Just don’t forget to get up from the seat in between.

Risk of Teenage Pregnancy

How to Prevent Spitting During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy Myths 10:

Pregnant women should not drink coffee

Truth: If coffee is consumed in small quantities, there will be no harm. But one should not drink coffee in excess daily.


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