How to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

How to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy


How to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy rates have been falling over the last number of years, in significant part because moms and dads and also colleges have been far better than ever before around, giving teenagers as numerous devices as possible to make intelligent selections.

Therefore, proof of efficient means to prevent teen maternity is highly for thorough Education and good communication.

Method 1

Protecting against Pregnancy as a Teenager

  1. Enlighten on your own concerning maternity

Start by informing yourself about exactly how motherhood starts. Many types of research have found that the much better Education and learning you have concerning how sex and maternity job, the much better you will be to make good choices about sex.

In addition, you can locate great deals of premium quality details online utilizing resources like Mayo Clinic and Wikipedia.

The short version is that a guy produces a substance in his body, called sperm, which departures his body via the penis. This substance is deposited in a female’s vagina (with sex or various other ways), where it integrates with an egg in her womb to create a baby.

Women only have eggs in their uterus in some cases, and even after that, the egg doesn’t constantly get what it requires from the seminal fluid. This is why you won’t obtain expecting every time you have sex.

How to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

  1. Bust some pregnancy misconceptions

There are great deals of myths concerning how you can get expectant. If you know the truth from the truths, you’ll be much better able to safeguard yourself.

Remember, when in doubt, play it safe. It’s much better to wait until you have appropriate protection than danger getting pregnant because of something you keeps reading.


“You can’t get expectant if you make love during your period.” Your body will generally release an egg halfway in between your duration’s … yet loads of ladies can have an egg release nearly any time in their cycle.

This approach may be more likely to obtain some females expectantly, so do not rely upon this to help you.


“You cannot get expectant if you utilize the pull-out method.” The pull-out technique is when the individual pulls his penis out of the vagina before ejaculating or “cumming” (orgasming as well as releasing his seminal fluid).

The problem is that the penis will undoubtedly launch fluid before ejaculation that can still obtain a woman expecting!

Thus, making use of the pull-out technique is extremely unstable, and also, for lots of people, the possibility of getting pregnant with this kind of “contraception” has to do with 30%.


“You cannot obtain expecting if you make use of certain positions or have sex in particular places.” It matters not if you’re making love in a pool/hot tub or if the lady gets on top during sex. If there’s a penis in a vaginal area, maternity can occur.

Second Trimester Pregnancy

Pregnancy Week by Week


“You can get expecting if you do _______ later on.” Unless that blank is full of medicine or medical gadgets like Fallback or an IUD, this is a total myth.

Leaping jacks, douching, bathing, peeing, and consuming certain foods: you call it, these things won’t help maintain you from getting expectant.

  1. Be abstinent for as long as you can

We do not intend to sound like that man at your church; however, abstaining is your best choice at not getting pregnant. Even the most effective types of birth control only function the majority of the moment.

If you intend to ensure that you won’t obtain pregnancy, find other methods of getting the sex-related release that doesn’t involve penetration.

Maternity isn’t the only risk of sex, either. It is essential to bear in mind that. You also need to be risk-free and use security to maintain on your own from getting Sexually transmitted diseases.

There are additional advantages to taking points sluggish in your connection. While sex is fun as well as feels good, it includes a lot of issues.

You could believe you’ll have more minor issues when you begin making love; however, really, you’ll have more.

This is why; if you can make it work, it’s better to stay sober up until you’re in an area in your life where you’re better able to handle those difficulties.

  1. Discover various other means to get sexual release

Full, penetrative sex isn’t the only method to obtain sexual freedom. If you don’t have accessibility to birth control or if you want to be highly confident that you don’t receive expectantly or get anyone else pregnant, try various other ways of obtaining physical that do not lead to infants.

Attempt something like mutual self-pleasure. This is where you boost on your own before your companion, or you stimulate each other.

As long as no penetration occurs and the man’s seminal fluid is avoided, the vaginal canal, no pregnancy can occur. This is additionally reasonably secure in terms of safeguarding you from illness.

You can attempt something like oral or rectal sex. This ought to still be made with a condom, nevertheless, since both can still spread disease as well as infections.

Losing Weight While Pregnant

Early Signs of Pregnancy

  1. Speak to a trusted adult

Talk with a grown-up that you trust about sex, sex-related wellness, partnerships, as well as maternity. They should have a minimum of having the ability to give you some advice.

They may even have the ability to help you discover sources to ensure that you can use a much better shield on your own from obtaining expecting.

Set up some exclusive time to talk with them and then tell them why you intend to speak. It could be awkward in the beginning, and also, it might take more than one conversation, but you’ll discover that having someone who can assist you will make you much more comfortable as well as pleased.

State something like, “Brian, I’m not comfortable going to mother and father, yet I actually want to get intimate with my sweetheart and also I’m stressed concerning her getting pregnant. Can you aid me pick the ideal prophylactics?”

  1. Discover independent treatment

In lots of states, you can obtain contraception from physicians and pharmacies without your moms and dads legitimately requiring you to be informed.

If you do not feel comfy talking to your family members regarding your situation, make an appointment with a company like Planned Parenthood.

They’ll enlighten you and get you everything you require at a rate you can afford to make sure that your moms and dads don’t need to find out about what you’re doing.

You can find your local Planned Parenthood clinic by seeing their website.

If you live outside the US or in a location not serviced by Planned Parenthood, contact your local health division to get guidance regarding what services may be readily available to you.

  1. Keep away from alcohol and drugs

There are many reasons that you might want to steer clear of from drugs and alcohol; however, among the major ones, both can lead you to make bad choices.

When you’re intoxicated or high, your brain doesn’t function along with typical (that’s why it feels so great). This means that while you could generally make the intelligent selection and use a condom, your intoxicated brain does not also consider it.

It would help if you likewise stressed over what may take place while you’re passed out. When you have had a lot of alcohol or enough drugs to make sure that you cannot relocate or are lost consciousness, you have no control over what other people do to your body.

For instance, more than 20% of teen maternities were the result of sex affected by alcohol.

Bleeding in Pregnancy

Spotting During Pregnancy

Approach 2

Stopping Your Teenager from Becoming Pregnant

  1. Educate yourself and your teen regarding sex

According to the data, your best weapon is to stop teen maternity. It has been revealed continuously that the much more a teenager recognizes regarding where infants originate from and how they can prevent maternity, the better off they will certainly be.

Of course, it’s feasible you were shown improperly also, so you’ll wish to freshen your memory before informing your teen.

Educating yourself may likewise make you extra comfortable concerning the topic, specifically if you’re from highly conventional history.

You can discover info on sex from books in your library, at a doctor’s office, and even on the internet.

  1. Help them breast pregnancy myths

When youngsters don’t get enlightened concerning sex, they’ll attempt to make their best assumption about how things function. Often, those hunches are terribly, hilariously incorrect.

Currently, as funny as some of these ideas can be (” You can get expecting from kissing!”), often misinformation can cause your teenager to obtain expectant or obtaining someone else pregnant.

You’ll wish to see to it that any misconceptions they have been extensively dealt with make sure that they can make good options for themselves.

You can locate examples of pregnancy misconceptions in the section of this post for teens.

The very best way to discover what poor suggestions your teen has about sex is to talk with them about what they know. Ask: “What do you find out about sex? How does a female get expectant? What function does a guy play? Just how do you think pregnancy can be avoided?”

  1. Make contraception exclusive yet accessible

Despite open interaction and an excellent partnership between both of you, your teen may still really feel unpleasant about asking for what they require when it comes to avoiding maternity. You can remove this problem by ensuring that they can access birth control without asking you straight.

One option would certainly be to instruct them where to visit obtain contraception on their own and at affordable, such as by making their own medical professional’s appointment.

Another choice would undoubtedly be to let them know that you’ll keep a fresh box of prophylactics at the back of the drawer in the washroom. Then, they can take condoms without having to ask, and also, you will replace them if the box goes out.

Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

Risk of Teenage Pregnancy

  1. Interact with your teen concerning your issues

Currently, nobody’s supporting here that you encounter this 100% liberal and advertising sex to your teenager as if there are no effects.

You need to speak to your teenager about what you bother with and how sex can fail. If you interact with your problems in a healthy and balanced, non-judgmental means, you’ll e more likely to convince them that they might wish to wait. Talk with them regarding:

  • The wellness threats
  • The psychological threats, and also
  • The threats to their future
  1. Discuss alcohol and drugs with your teen

Drugs and alcohol are also a nearly unavoidable part of growing up. While your teen may usually make excellent choices, it only takes one evening of poor decisions to wind up with an expecting teenager. Head this off at the pass by letting them recognize that if they’re most likely to do those things, they need to do them in a safe atmosphere at least.

Tell them that impaired reasoning can cause bad choices about sex or no capacity in any way also to make a choice.

Ladies need to be warned regarding what boys may do to them if they pass out, and also, kids need to be alerted regarding how obtaining consent is vital to having sex, but that alcohol can make you forget that.

  1. Give them expects the future

If your teenager has goals and predicts the end, they’ll have much more incentive to steer clear of sex or a minimum of being liable concerning the sex that they do have.

Help them seek their dreams to keep them busy as well as make their objectives seem obtainable. Urge them and help them think that they can be greater than they are currently.

  1. Maintain them active

If your teenager’s day is loaded with activities, they’ll have much less energy and time with which they can get themselves right into difficulty.

Do not anticipate that this will make them abstain from dating as well as physical intimacy completely. Still, it ought to eliminate some of the possibilities as well as certainly keep them from making love just because they’re bored.

Obtain them registered for clubs or extra courses that let them participate in their interests and pastimes. If their pastime is something that they can do in your home, invest it in obtaining them some tools to involve themselves because of activity ultimately.

If you do not have the money to spend for them to take an additional class in their favored topic, talk to your neighborhood community center or community college. There might be grants or individual tuition available to assist your teen go after these activities.

  1. Take note

You can’t manage the selections that your teen makes: you’re simply not driving the car that is their life. But if you need to, you can guide their path by limiting the roadways they can take. Could you take note of what they’re doing?

If they’re dating someone a lot older (for ladies) or much more youthful (for guys), do what you can to make sure that they make good choices. You should also talk to them if their dating relationships seem to be very “serious.”

If your teens are going out a lot to parties, it might be time to reign in their behavior. While these situations aren’t always easy to control, doing something is better than doing nothing.

Method 3

Understanding Different Birth Control Options

  1. Learn about how birth control works

 First, it’s essential to know how birth control works. You might get misinformation about how it causes abortions or how it can do all sorts of terrible things to your body, but those things aren’t true.

There are many different kinds of birth control, from condoms to implants, and all work by making sure that either a man’s sperm never reaches a woman’s egg or ensures that egg can’t implant. Research each type of birth control you want to consider.

Knowing how it works will not only make you more comfortable about using it or recommending it, it will also help you use it correctly and choose one which is best for your habits.

For example, some birth control needs to be used in a particular way, or it won’t work, so if you’re bad at remembering to do things (for example), you might not want to take some forms of birth control.

  1. Learn what types of birth control are available

Birth control doesn’t just mean pills. There are many forms of both medication and devices that all do roughly the same thing: keep you from getting pregnant.

Choose what’s best for you and, to be extra safe, use more than one method at a time. This is especially important for teens and people that aren’t in severe and long-term relationships. You can use:


Condoms should be your first stop since these protect you from STDs as well as pregnancy. It doesn’t matter what gender you are; you should have these on hand. Even if you decide to use another form of birth control, wear condoms anyway.

The pill

There are many different varieties of “the pill,” but a woman takes all to keep her from getting pregnant. These do not cause an abortion, as you might have been told.

Instead, they make a woman’s uterus inhospitable to an egg, preventing it from implanting. Usually, you take a pill every day, and the tablet is tiny. This is an easy and effective form of birth control, and it has many other benefits (like clearing acne and making your periods more comfortable).

Implants and IUDs

There are several different implants and IUDs (intrauterine devices) available, all of them for women. Some of these go in your arm, and some are fit into your uterus.

All are considered some of the most effective forms of birth control. While it can be uncomfortable to put in, these are great options for teens because you can get it put in and then forget about it.

In addition, most of these devices are suitable for at least three years, and some for as many as 12. This means that you wouldn’t have to worry about getting pregnant until it was time for you to get pregnant.

Other methods

There are also many different methods, like the vaginal ring, the sponge, and the patch. But, again, talk to your doctor about what options might be best for your situation and habits.

  1. Use any birth control you choose correctly

No matter what form of birth control you use, make sure you’re using it correctly. Most forms of birth control are very effective and work 99% of the time, but that’s only if you use them the way they’re meant to be used.

If you’re a teen, learn how to use your chosen method correctly. If you’re a parent or adult, do your research and then make sure your teen knows what to do.

You can find information about how to use each form correctly on Planned Parenthood’s website.

  1. Discuss birth control, even if it’s uncomfortable or you don’t know-how

An essential piece of advice in life is that any problem can generally be made better by talking about it. For example, talking about family planning methods with your parent, trusted adult, son, daughter, or another teen can seem awkward.

Likewise, we’re raised to feel uncomfortable discussing sexual topics. But by opening communication and just getting everything out there, everyone can be better informed and more comfortable.

Like a monster under the bed, you’ll find that discussing sex practically and healthily is less scary once you understand it.

Now, it can take more than one try to have the discussion you need to have about family planning. Don’t give up!

Parents wanting to discuss birth control can say something like, “Jon, you’re going to have a lot of urges. You’re getting older and that’s normal.

But a big part of being an adult is being responsible about the things that you want to do. So I want to talk to you about what your responsibilities are now that you’re becoming a man.”

Teens wanting to discuss birth control can say something like, “Mom, I’m getting older and I want to make sure that I don’t ruin my future before it starts.

 I’d rather get birth control that I might not need for awhile than make a bad choice. Can you help me figure out what I need to know before something goes wrong?”

  1. Know your options if you do get pregnant

If someone does become pregnant, it’s essential to know what options are available to make an informed choice about how you want to handle the situation.

Since society tends to be divided on what to do in this situation, you should get as many opinions as possible from many different sources.

One good source of information is Planned Parenthood, which will discuss all of your possible options with you and let you decide what’s best for you. If you choose to keep the baby, they will also help you find services and resources.

Be gentle about the subject; teenage years are hard on them.

If you know of any family or friends who had a kid in their teenage years, have that person explain what it was like and how their life was during the pregnancy and after.


Be prepared for your teenager to yell at you.

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