Pregnancy Month by Month

Pregnancy Month by Month

Pregnancy Month by Month


Pregnancy First month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the first month of pregnancy?

1 month pregnant

During the first month of pregnancy, women are not even aware that they are pregnant. Doctors calculate the first month of pregnancy with your last period, so in the first two weeks, you definitely don’t know about pregnancy.

But then, sometimes ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and the male sperm attach to the egg to form the embryo.

In this article and articles for the next nine months, you will be told about the development of the child in this period and the changes in your body. So let’s know important things about the first month of pregnancy.

As fertilization occurs, the egg develops and divides into several cells. This initial collection of cells is called zygote.

Over the course of several days, the zygote makes its way down the uterus from the fallopian tube, like every month during periods. The lining of the uterus is soft, spongy and full of nutrients, which is a suitable place for implantation of the zygote.

Once the zygote is implanted on the lining of the uterus, then you become pregnant, and then the lining of the uterus will not go out as a period, which is why the periods stop after pregnancy.

When the zygote is implanted into the uterine wall, it is called a blastocyst. At this point, it is basically the size of a grain of rice. Although it is very small, its organs and placenta begin to form.

First Trimester Pregnancy

Second Trimester Pregnancy

Changes in Body During 1st Month of Pregnancy

For many women, the first symptom of getting pregnant is having a period. However, you may also feel other signs of pregnancy. This can be a bit confusing, as many pregnancy symptoms are similar to PMS symptoms. Some of the common signs of pregnancy are –

  • Nausea and cramps
  • Spotting or implantation bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Breast swelling or breast pain
  • Changing mood

Some women come to know within a few hours of conception that they are pregnant, while some do not understand until they are menstruating. This is due to the different body designs and actions of every woman. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Things to Know in the First Month of Pregnancy

The first few weeks of a child’s development are very important. During this period, all pregnant women are given multivitamin or vitamins that contain folic acid.

Folic acid prevents the development of spina bifida (also called spinal cord) and other neural tube defects in the child. DHS-containing omega 3 is also currently important for brain, heart, and eye development.

If you are trying to get pregnant, then you have to take all the precautions that pregnant women take, because you will not even know that you have actually become pregnant.

That is to stop using tobacco products, alcohol or surplus drugs. Stay away from toxic fumes. Consult a doctor once before taking any medicine. You should control the intake of fish to control the amount of mercury.

Pregnancy testing at home is the best way to detect pregnancy. Even after that, you will definitely confirm your pregnancy with the doctor. Then, after confirmation, start taking care during pregnancy and choose a doctor for yourself.

Now you have started the exciting journey of pregnancy. Your body will undergo some incredible changes in the next 9 months.

Pregnancy Second Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the second month of pregnancy?

2 months pregnant

In the second month of pregnancy, your stomach does not start to appear, but there are many changes happening inside you. Your baby who grows up as a small blastocyst starts growing up and can now be called a fetus.

Baby Growth in Second Month of Pregnancy

During this second month of pregnancy, your baby produces one million new cells every minute. These cells make up all the organs of the child.

First the heart develops, then the liver takes shape. By the end of the second month, all of the baby’s organs are in the right place, although they will not function fully at this time.

Apart from this, by the end of this month, your baby’s hands and feet begin to bulge, beyond which the child’s hands will become legs. His eyes begin to form, including the eyelids which are closed at this time.

Your child currently weighs 14 grams and is the size of a raspberry.

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Changes in Body During 2nd Month of Pregnancy

You still will not look pregnant but you will start feeling pregnant. Your uterus starts making space for your baby to grow. As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on your bladder, which means you can use the bathroom more often. You may also have vomiting.

Morning sickness, which, as the name suggests, can occur not just in the morning but at any time of the day or night, and is very high in the second and third months of pregnancy.

You may have problems sleeping, feel tired, your mood may change quickly. There is no need to worry about all this, it is only and only due to the increase in hormone levels in the body, which is common during pregnancy.

Hormones are also responsible for the changes in your breasts. At this time, pain or discomfort is felt in the breast. You may need to buy a new bra as their size also increases. In addition, the areola (Areola; the skin around the nipples) and nipples are darker than normal. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Things to Know About Second Month of Pregnancy

If you have not yet started taking additional supplements, start doing so as soon as possible. Take special care of what to eat and not during pregnancy.

Make sure of it. Stay away from things that can harm your child, such as tobacco, alcohol, mercury and other toxins that can hurt your child. Keep in mind that the first trimester is very important for your child’s development.

This month, you should fix your first appointment with a doctor. The doctor may ask a lot of questions or advise you to have an examination to ensure your and the child’s health.

The doctor may ask you to have a blood and urine test. They will also do a physical examination of you which may possibly result in Pap smear. All these tests are important to prevent pregnancy related complications. In this appointment, you may also hear your child’s heartbeat for the first time.

You can discuss any pregnancy-related anxiety or discomfort with your doctor. Many questions may pop up in your mind, do not hesitate to ask them, feel free to ask.

For this reason, this appointment can also be a bit longer. And the same question will also help you in determining whether they are the right doctor for you or not. If you do not feel right, then you can choose another doctor in the first trimester.

Depression During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Third Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the third month of pregnancy?

3 months pregnant

In the third month of pregnancy, your baby grows significantly. As a result, you may feel more tired than ever. In this article we are telling you about the amazing changes happening in your baby and body in the last month of the first trimester.

Although your baby is still very young, all her body parts and systems are developing and her genitals develop at the same time, although she cannot be seen on ultrasound tests until this time.

Your child’s hands and toes and nails also develop. Bones, cartilage and lower teeth and gums and muscles of the baby are formed.

Your child can now move his or her hands and feet. However, you will not be able to feel it for a few more months.

Your baby’s face is fully formed and he/ she also starts sucking thumb or fist. Digestive juices are formed in the child and they also start to urinate.

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Changes in Body During 3rd Month of Pregnancy

You may feel more tired during the third month. It is very difficult to raise a child in the womb. In addition, both your blood sugar and blood pressure decrease during pregnancy.

Now you can feel your belly very slightly enlarged in roundness. Or no wonder because your uterus is currently the size of a grape.

Digestive problems may occur in the third month. Increased levels of progesterone hormone slow down digestion so that your body can absorb more nutrients for the baby.

Unfortunately, due to this slow digestion, you may experience flatulence or stomach gas. Headache and dizziness are also common at this time.

Weight gain during pregnancy is also normal and by this time, the weight of women also increases slightly and their daily clothes are also tight. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

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Things to Know About Third Month of Pregnancy

If you are suffering from morning sickness during the third month of pregnancy, it can be really difficult to eat many or different types and healthy diet.

Try to eat different types of fruits, vegetables, proteins, probiotics (yogurt, cheese, tofu) and whole grains throughout the day. To keep your pregnancy healthy, take Prenatal vitamin as well. Your child now grows very fast and needs all the nutrients that you can give him.

If you have not started taking prenatal calcium supplements yet, start taking them now. Calcium helps to strengthen and develop baby’s bones and teeth.

Keep yourself hydrated. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go, it really helps.

Although it is just the beginning of pregnancy but it is better that you start looking for pregnancy classes. If you are having trouble finding such classes, you can get their information from the hospital.

The third month may be the most exhausting month of pregnancy. So relax more and more. Taking a nap in the middle of the day for a while can also help you to relieve fatigue. Drinking tea can also relieve it, but try that you drink more herbal tea.

Pregnancy Fourth Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the fourth month of pregnancy?

4 months pregnant

You start your second trimester from the fourth month of pregnancy. During this month you feel more energetic and less sick. The best thing is that now that you have advanced beyond the first quarter of pregnancy, your chances of miscarriage decrease significantly.

The development of your child and the changes in your body in this month are discussed in this article.

His bones begin to strengthen, although his skin is still thin and transparent. Her body is covered with embryos called lanugo which remain on her body till the end of pregnancy.

Her head is also growing eyebrows and eyelids hair. His ears are also developing. The small bones inside his ears begin to harden and he may be able to hear some sounds.

At this time, the child spends a lot of his time sucking thumb and swallowing foods.

Pregnancy Myths And Facts

Changes in Body During 4th Month of Pregnancy

The second trimester is often the easiest time for pregnancy. By this month, the morning sickness that has bothered you lasts longer and probably also reduces fatigue. With this, your stomach starts appearing.

Although it is not very big but you can feel it. Arriving at the end of this month, you can start feeling the movements of the child. It can be very mild, you may feel it but you can understand it as gas or something.

Due to increase in estrogen, this month your mole and freckles or spots will become darker and darker. Many women see stains on the cheeks, forehead, and nose as a sign of pregnancy. To prevent these spots occurring during pregnancy, use pregnancy-safe sunscreen to protect against hyper-pigmentation.

During pregnancy, some pregnant women also have swelling in their nostrils for which estrogen is also responsible, due to which the nose gets blocked or the nose starts bleeding.

Unfortunately, some women also develop varicose veins or hemorrhoids during the fourth month of pregnancy. You can take a good cream for hemorrhoids during pregnancy by asking the doctor, which will help you to relax in them. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Things to Know About Fourth Month of Pregnancy

During this time, your morning sickness problem is gone, so it will be easier for you to eat well and take prenatal vitamins. Protein is very important for the development of the child, so try to eat it in maximum quantity, along with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Go to the doctor at the appointed time to know your health and your child’s health. The doctor may ask for several tests. Your baby’s heartbeat will also be heard at the ultrasound. If you are at risk of having any birth defects, your doctor will ask you to have an amniocentesis test.

From this month of pregnancy, you can talk to your baby and can also listen to her songs as her ears are well developed at this time.

You can listen to the baby’s heartbeat anytime and if you want to send it to a family member, you can also record those beats. This is a great way to build a strong bond with the child.

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High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Fifth Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the fifth month of pregnancy?

5 months pregnant

Due to the rapid development of the baby, you may feel a little more pain and pain in the fifth month of pregnancy and it is not surprising. Your stomach will also grow to allow the baby to grow and will start showing more than before.

By the end of this month, you have already passed half the pregnancy. Probably because of this enthusiasm, your energy is more than the first trimester and pregnancy starts to “glow” on your face. This article describes the development of your body and baby in the fifth month.

The child produces a thick white substance called Vernix which, until she is born, acts to cover her body to protect her thin skin from amniotic fluid.

The bones and muscles of the child will now be fully developed, along with that, they also learn to girdle, yawn and make different types of mouth.

He can also kick and start many activities like moving, moving and moving. You can also feel these movements a little bit. He also regularly goes to sleep waking program and his fingerprints also develop in this month.

If the baby born in the womb is a boy, then her testicles develop in this month and if she is a girl, then in this month her uterus is fully developed and her ovaries also produce eggs.

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Changes in Body During 5th Month of Pregnancy

In this month, your uterus becomes melon-shaped and you probably start wearing maternity clothes ie loose-fitting clothes. Ligaments (ligaments; connective or fibrous tissue connecting the bones) in your stomach begin to pull up and you will now see stretch marks caused by them. If you have not started applying any stretch marks cream yet, then start using it now.

Apart from abdominal pain, you may also feel swelling, cramps and back pain in the legs. You can use a pregnancy pillow to avoid or eliminate all these inconveniences.

As your pregnancy progresses, these discomforts will bother you more. A pregnancy pillow and pelvic support will help you feel better and less pain during the rest of your pregnancy.

From this month you may feel more hungry than before. Some women are able to eat everything while some feel like eating a particular type of food like only sour or sweet or peppery etc. During this period, some women start following complaints –

Your hair and nails become stronger and healthier than before. You can enjoy these benefits of this month to the fullest. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Things to Know About Fifth Month of Pregnancy

Even though you feel more hungry this month and it is important, but do not forget to eat two people food, unhealthy snack or any other unnecessary things. Of course, you gain weight during pregnancy, but more than necessary can be unhealthy for both you and your baby.

At this time, you should follow the guidelines in the article What to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy and stop pretending to eat sweet or junk food that “two people should eat in pregnancy.”

If you have persistent pain and cramps in your legs, eating prenatal calcium-magnesium supplements can help them get relief.

In ultrasound, the gender of the child is also known to the doctor, but do not try to know it because doing so is a legal offense in India and if caught doing so, he is sent to jail.

You still have a lot of energy for planning and shopping. You can decorate your room for the child. But keep in mind that you do not have to climb the stairs, so assign such tasks to others.

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Pregnancy Sixth Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the sixth month of pregnancy?

6 months pregnant

The sixth month of pregnancy is the last month of the second trimester. By now your stomach becomes quite large, as well as other parts of your body also grow a little. As your child grows, your body also grows. Changes in this month are discussed in this article.

Baby Growth During Sixth Month of Pregnancy

The child becomes one foot long and about 680 grams in the sixth month. By the end of this month he is almost completely formed, however, his organs are still developing and the lungs have not yet developed to function on their own.

The baby’s head is almost proportional to its body and its face is fully developed. Although the child’s eyes are still closed, he can feel light and darkness.

The baby’s skin is no longer transparent as its body starts producing fat to keep it warm. His muscles start to strengthen, which you will experience when he kicks or kicks. His body is producing white blood cells which help him in fighting diseases.

Changes in Body During 6th Month of Pregnancy

By now you may have gotten used to back pain, cramps in legs and legs. If you are still working without a pregnancy pillow or maternity support belt, buy it now because the discomfort may be felt more in the next quarter.

You may also experience swelling in the ankles and feet. Your shoes may also increase in size due to inflammation in pregnancy.

During this time it is better not to increase the size so that you wear only shoes. Because like your stomach, your feet will not be short again after childbirth (or even if they are, in a few years).

From this month you will also notice that there is a vaginal discharge of yellow liquid, which is called leukorrhea. Indigestion, heartburn and hemorrhoids are also common problems.

Your uterus is moving upward without any pressure on the bladder, and so you probably don’t use the bathroom much now. You may feel Braxton Hicks contractions. These small contractions help prepare your body for the time of delivery. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

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Things to Know About Sixth Month of Pregnancy

By now your weight has increased by about 5-7 kg. Try to eat a healthy pregnancy diet, keep taking prenatal vitamins and keep yourself hydrated.

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, eat fiber-rich foods that prevent constipation during pregnancy. Now you can see stretch marks on your feet, breasts and stomach.

After the birth of the child, they all get lighter, but do not go away completely. If you do not have stretch marks on your body, they may appear in the last months of pregnancy.

Some women experience these last or a week before. In pregnancy, use skin care products like creams and oils to reduce these scars.

Start buying baby clothes, diaper, crib etc. as your energy will be reduced to do all these things as time progresses. So start making shopping list of baby items.

Pregnancy Seventh Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the seventh month of pregnancy?

7 months pregnant

With the seventh month of your pregnancy, your third trimester also begins and people call it “home stretch” for a good reason. By this stage the child grows a little more rapidly.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, a lot more happens than just the development of the baby. However, let’s take a look at the amazing changes happening in the baby and your body during this month.

Baby Growth During Seventh Month of Pregnancy

The child’s brain and nervous system now rapidly develop and their lungs begin to function. His ears are fully developed and he is able to hear.

His sleeping and waking actions become more apparent than before and he also starts dreaming while sleeping. The child also starts opening eyes and crying.

He now grows large enough to move around, though he will continue to kick and reverse despite this. His soft womb, Lanugo, begins to disappear. By the end of this month, the baby will be one or one and a half feet tall and weigh about one kilo.

Children born in the 28th week of pregnancy, although premature, but if taken proper care, they are likely to survive.

Changes in Body During 7th Month of Pregnancy

Your stomach grows more than before and you will also see stretch marks more than before. If stretch marks are still not visible, they may develop in the next month or a few weeks before the baby is born, when your baby grows very fast.

Your uterus now comes over your navel, due to which you may have difficulty in breathing sometimes. You may also have trouble sleeping during this stage of pregnancy. Many pregnant women say that their baby is more active when they try to sleep.

When your body is ready to breastfeed, you may experience fluid leaks. You may also feel like unformed because you have trouble maintaining your own balance due to increasing stomach. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Things to Know About Seventh Month of Pregnancy

Your weight increases by about 450 grams every week of this month. Try to eat different types of foods. According to studies, children like to eat the same things that women eat during pregnancy.

This means that you can get into the habit of eating healthy food from now on. Do not forget to take prenatal supplements at this time.

Your doctor may also test gestational diabetes around the 28th week of pregnancy. The doctor will give you a sweet solution to drink and then take a blood sample to measure your glucose level.

It has been found that about 3-5% of women complain of gestational diabetes, so there is no need to worry too much about it. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

From now until the birth of the child you will feel the need for a doctor. Now that you are fully able to listen, you and other family members can talk to the child. Some mothers even sing songs for their children. You should stay away from the noise because it can scare the child.

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Pregnancy Eighth Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the eight month of pregnancy?

8 months pregnant

In the eighth month of pregnancy, bending work is a big challenge and you may have trouble tying your shoes. At this time, you and your child are in the final stages of pregnancy.

This week may seem like the last few weeks, but do not worry because this month will also pass soon and soon you will become a mother.

Baby Growth During 8th Month of Pregnancy

Your child’s body is now fully formed, although the lungs and brain are still developing. Your baby can now take a nap whenever he wants, and his pupils start spreading and shrinking in light and darkness.

The child is developing and the body also starts to gain fat. He gains about 450 grams in a week. By the end of this month, he will be 19 inches tall and weigh about 2-3 kg.

Now there is less space left in your womb, so it is no longer able to roam like before. And now his head probably turns downwards and he stays in this position until he is born. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Changes in Body During 8th Month of Pregnancy

You will feel your stomach significantly enlarged and by this time you are tired due to pregnancy. In fact, this happens because the hormones loosen up your hips joints to ease them so that they can ease delivery and delivery, which causes you to start to stagger.

As your body prepares for delivery, you will experience more and more Braxton Hicks contractions and colostrum (Colostrum-mother’s first yellow milk) leakage.

You may feel more chest irritation due to the relaxed muscles. Another unfortunate effect of pregnancy for about 40 percent of women is the varicose veins (veins that emerge on the upper surface of the skin).

Additionally, as the child grows older, it puts pressure on your bladder, so you will probably use the bathroom more. If you are in a public place and are stiff in a row, no shame. You can try to go before requesting people. Rather people will gladly let you go first.

Things to Know About Eighth Month of Pregnancy

Eating small amounts of food, relieves acidity and heartburn and indigestion problems in pregnancy. Keep remembering prenatal supplements. Your body needs all the nutrients at this time. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

If you want to learn everything about breastfeeding before your baby is born, then find out about these classes from the hospital itself. You can also use nipple cream to avoid biting the nipple (a common problem at this time).

Now you should keep your bag pack and baby essentials to go to the hospital. Talk to your parents or in-laws or relatives who can stay with you for a few days after the birth of your child and talk to them. Apart from all these things, now also make sure the name of the child.

You will feel tired but you may have trouble sleeping. Try to cry with a pregnancy pillow or a pillow between your knees. You will feel more comfortable sleeping on your left side, you will feel yourself. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Bleeding During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Ninth Month – (Pregnancy Month by Month)

What happened in the ninth month of pregnancy?

9 months pregnant

When the ninth month of pregnancy is spoken, it means that the baby has been growing in your womb for 38-40 weeks, for about ten months. Now you will not even wait for the birth of a child. But now you just have to wait for a few days, that is, you have passed 8 months.

Baby Growth During 9th Month of Pregnancy

The baby growing in the womb is now fully ready to take birth. But his weight and brain are still growing and developing. Apart from his skull, all the bones of the body are hard. Only the bone of the skull is not hardened so that it can easily come out of the birth canal at birth.

Your involuntary actions, which you are not in control of, can also be the result of turning your head, winking eyelids and clenching your fists.

Now the thick white substance called Vernix is ​​also reduced on her body and the wombs called Lanugo also disappear completely. The baby goes further down towards the pelvis.

The baby is almost ready to be born. As you reach the end of the third trimester, your baby is about 20 inches tall and about 3-4 kg in weight. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

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Changes in Body During 9th Month of Pregnancy

This month, everything from getting up from a chair to trying to lay down to sleep at night seems like a task. You will probably feel uncomfortable for a long time.

Vaginal discharge is now more plentiful and may be pink or brown in color. This can happen especially after sex or pelvic examination. Your breasts may be more uncomfortable and leak more colostrum. Braxton Hicks contractions are sometimes common, but they can be irregular and sometimes painful.

Some women also have strange weird dreams during these last few weeks of pregnancy. You can still gain about 11 to 16 kg.

You can also try to decorate your house during these last few days of pregnancy. This often means that suddenly you get a lot of energy. But remember that cleanliness is fine, but it should not be too much. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Things to Know About Ninth Month of Pregnancy

Eating healthy and staying hydrated is very important for every month as of now. Collect supplements specifically designed for breastfeeding women because your body will need nutrients if you want to stop using prenatal vitamins after birth, especially if you are planning to breastfeed. Huh. Try to get as much rest as you can during these last weeks of your pregnancy. (Pregnancy Month by Month)

Your doctor will examine your cervix by a pelvic exam for possible dilation to confirm whether the baby’s head is now down.

Baby can now be born at any time. And, you will feel the following activities happen:

  • You may see a mucus plug or “bloody show” in the discharge.
  • You will be obsessed with cleaning the house.
  • There may be constant pain in your back.
  • Your cervix begins to thin and dilate.
  • The water bag breaks.
  • The contractions you feel will start to get stronger, more and more quickly.

According to your doctor, if your pregnancy is a normal pregnancy, you do not have to go to the hospital or birth center until you have labor pain, but if there is a possibility of complications, the doctor will ask you to be admitted to the hospital when you have regular contractions or feeling started within minutes. You will have become a mother when you return from the hospital. (Pregnancy Month by Month)


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